The Founders
Slobodan Golubović
FOUNDER / Senior Partner
Slobodan Golubović is a founding partner of the practice. He advises and assists local and international companies in negotiation and closing of the most complex transaction across various industries.
He regularly supports the companies in preparation of contracts and general acts. Slobodan has a vast experience in advising the clients within the retail business.
Đorđe Simić
FOUNDER / Senior Partner
Đorđe Simić is a founding partner of the practice. His practice focuses on corporate law issues, providing comprehensive legal support to the numerous local as well as the international clients.
Đorđe has more than 20 years of experience in dispute resolution with a strong background in high-profile cases.
Radoslav Marinković
FOUNDER / Senior Partner
Radoslav Marinković is a founding partner of the practice. His practice focuses on dispute resolutions, predominantly in the domain of criminal law and corporate law.
He has an extensive experience within proceedings in the area of organized crime, corruption, high-tech and cyber crimes, violent crimes and war crimes.
Tijana Filipović
Tijana Filipović is a partner at GS&M Law Firm in Belgrade. Her practice focuses on dispute resolutions, predominantly in the domain of employment, family and property law.
Jelena Tanasić
Jelena Tanasić is a partner at GS&M Law Firm in Belgrade. Her practice focuses on corporate law and tax issues, as well as real estate matters. Jelena also regularly advises and represents the clients before the courts and state authorities in a wide range of civil and commercial disputes.
Danijela Popadić
Danijela Popadić is a partner at GS&M Law Firm in Belgrade for matters relating to Corporate/M&A, Commercial, Real Estate and Data Protection with almost 20 years of overall experience in these areas.
Tanasije Jovanović
The focus of his work is representation of clients before the courts primarily in the area of property, compensation of damages and inheritance law.
Attorneys at Law
Ivan Stojanović
Attorney at Law
The areas of his expertise are Labor law, Family law, Inheritance law, Commercial law as well as Real Estate.
Olivera Nikaljević
Attorney at Law
Olivera Nikaljević is attorney at law at GS&M Law Firm in Belgrade for matters relating to corporate law, commercial, real estate, and criminal law.
Sanja Živković
Sanja Živković is an attorney at law at a GS&M Law Firm in Belgrade, where she specializes for corporate law, commercial, real estate, and criminal law.
Bojana N. Novaković
Bojana is a specialist in corporate governance, and a licensed mediator for general mediation, with current specialization in special mediation procedures in the field of family law, and mobbing.
Senior Associates & Of Councels
Nevena Pandurski
Nevena Pandurski is a Senior Associate in the GS&M Law Office.
The focus of her work is providing daily legal support to the clients of the office in the field of commercial law, labor and contract law, with a special emphasis on trade law and retail business.
Andrija Jerinić
Of Councel
Andrija Jerinić is an of council at GS&M Law office in Belgrade.
His practice focuses on international ICT, telecommunication, software development and real estate business.
Uroš Stanojević
Uroš Stanojević is an associate in GS&M Law Firm in Belegrade since September 2020 where he specializes for corporate law, commercial, real estate and criminal law.
Ksenija Milović
Ksenija Milovic is an associate/trainee in GS&M Law Firm in Belgrade since September 2021 where she specializes for corporate law, commercial, real estate, and criminal law.
Office Management

Bojana Vojvodić

Knićaninova 3
11000 Belgrade
+381 11 3222 921
+381 11 3222 922
+381 11 3222 972
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