Radoslav Marinković
Criminal Law
Corporate Law
Belgrade Bar Association, Serbia
+381 64 1165 517

Full bio
Radoslav Marinkovic is a founding partner of the practice at GS&M Law Firm in Belgrade. His practice focuses on dispute resolutions, predominantly in the domain of criminal law and corporate law.
He finished his legal trainee internship at the First Municipal Court in Belgrade and Law firm “FILA” also in Belgrade. After the Bar Exam in 2002, he continued working as an attorney at law in the same law firm up to October 2014 when, along with Mr. Golubovic and Mr. Simic founded Law firm “Golubović, Simić, Marinković”.
He acquired significant knowledge while working on numerous court cases mainly in the area of the Criminal law. He represented the clients in numerous cases where he acted as a lead defense attorney in the most serious criminal cases before primary courts across the Republic of Serbia but also before special department for organized crime, war crimes, cyber crimes, special department for corruption, and International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia in the Hague, Netherlands.
Radoslav has an extensive experience within proceedings in the area of organized crime, corruption, high-tech and cybercrimes, violent crimes, war crimes, all kinds of offenses against the property. He also represents the clients before the courts in the proceedings related to the compensation of damage, games of chance etc.
He graduated at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law. He is a member of the Belgrade Bar Association. Radoslav speaks fluent English, Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin and Serbian.
+381 64 1165 517

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11000 Belgrade
+381 11 3222 921
+381 11 3222 922
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