Top experts specializing in dispute resolution, corporate, criminal, real estate and commercial law

Your personal and business legal support in all main areas of law
We provide unique and comprehensive advice to our clients, efficiently focusing on their needs
Dispute Resolution
Our attorneys have broad experience in all types of disputes in the field of contractual and corporate law, criminal proceedings, banking and insurance, as well as labor, family law, inheritance law, property, construction law, intellectual property rights etc.
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Criminal Law
Our attorneys represent our clients for criminal offenses before regular courts throughout the Republic of Serbia, departments for organized crime, war crimes, cybercrimes, as well as before the anti-corruption department.
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We advise domestic and international clients on Corporate and M&A transactions across all industry sectors. We also provide a day to day support to your business enabling you to grow in compliance with the regulatory environment.
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We have a broad experience of Serbian and international contract law, standard agreements and industry customs in most commercial and industrial sectors. We assist the companies in drafting and negotiation of general business agreements.
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Employment Law
We assist the companies to develop policies and procedures that provide constructive employee relations and reduce potential workplace risk and liabilities. Based on our wide experience in this area, we develop and implement practical solutions to legislative and regulatory changes.
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Family Law
An important part of the work of the GS&M Law Firm is dedicated to proceedings related to the family relations with a special emphasis on the protection of children’s interests.
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Real Estate
We advise clients on all aspects of buying and selling commercial, industrial and residential properties. Our goal is to guide you through legal processes, minimizing the costs and shortening the time necessary for closing the transaction.
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Data Protection
Our data privacy and protection legal team advises clients on how to prepare preventive measures, response strategies, and remedies.
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Legal news and insights on the current legal subjects
Based on the large number of questions received from our clients, we are conducting analyzes and prepare the interpretations of the most present legal dilemmas in implementation of the relevant legal regulations.
GSM Law Office Proud of Two Decades of Support to ATINA Association
GSM Law Office Proud of Two Decades of Support to ATINA Association GSM Law Office proudly highlights twenty years of continuous support to the ATINA Association in achieving its mission of protecting and representing victims of...
Kapara and a Preliminary Agreement for Concluding a Real Estate Purchase Agreement
The Legal Nature of Kapara and Its Similarities with a Contractual Penalty and an Advance Payment The Law on Obligations (ZOO) defines kapara as a certain sum of money or an equivalent quantity of other fungible items which, at...
Obligation of Certification and Loan Agreement Register
The recent amendments to the Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, along with corresponding amendments to the Law on Notaries, have made a previously informal agreement (often concluded...
The Beginning
GS&M Law Firm – Golubović, Simić & Marinković was founded by the merging of three separate law offices in 2014. Our reputation was built by creating a long-term relationship with our clients based on trust, dedication, commitment to results, high professional responsibility and reciprocity. We are pleased that the majority of our clients have been with us since the day one.
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Our Approach
With this approach, driven by the growing needs of our clients, GS&M Law Firm expanded its legal services to other areas of law, and today we are offering legal support in all main areas of law. Our client base is diverse and includes domestic and international companies, as well as private individuals.
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1000 Active Legal Proceedings
Our team consists of 11 lawyers offering our clients a comprehensive service and full legal support. Our responsiveness and dedication to your business are part of our core values, offering you constructive support throughout the process. We regularly advise some of the largest domestic companies and international clients representing them in court and arbitration proceedings with more than 1000 active legal proceedings at any time.
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Our team is committed to the principle of excellence in providing of services
Our team is committed to the principle of excellence in providing of services
Where to find us?
Our offices are located in Belgrade, Serbia, Knicaninova street no. 3
Knićaninova br. 3
11000 Belgrade
If you’d like to schedule a meeting, please contact us

Knićaninova 3
11000 Belgrade
+381 11 3222 921
+381 11 3222 922
+381 11 3222 972
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